Breathwork Session - 90 minute
My experience with breathwork:
Although I went into my initial breathwork session a skeptic, 20 minutes in I found myself shaking and crying in the midst of an emotional release that was undeniably powerful and real. It took years before I was brave enough to develop a daily breathwork and meditation practice, but by the time I did I knew that I was ready to study with Erin Telford, a healer I had admired from afar. I can truly say that training to facilitate breathwork sessions changed my life - it gave me a far deeper appreciation of the tremendous capacity that we all have to heal on a mental, physical and spiritual level.
What is breathwork for?
Breathwork can be helpful for clearing emotional and energetic blockages in the body, processing trauma, and developing a deeper, more authentic connection to the self.
What is breathwork?
Breathwork is an active meditation technique that involves using the breath to bypass our cognitive processes by increasing oxygen and blood flow to the body. This enables the body to release blockages and stuck emotions and connect to a deeper, more authentic and centered place within.
What happens in the session?
At the start of our session, you will have the opportunity to share what you are seeking support and/or clarity around. You will then lay down and begin breathing in a set pattern for 30-40 minutes to the soothing sounds of music and my verbal cues and guidance. Following the active breathwork, there will be a period of transition time in which we will discuss your experience and process any questions that you have. All sessions take place virtually - I will share a link in advance of our session.
For more on the science/felt experience of breathwork:
The Science Behind Breathwork + 5 Benefits Of The Practice
Breathwork Is a Healing Modality for Mental Clarity and Stress Relief—Here’s What It’s Like

“People are capable, at any time in their lives, of doing what they dream of.”
— Paulo Coelho